Instructions for authors

The application should countain : author’s name and adress, contact email, scientific affiliation, title, summary and the type of presentation tha will be done during the Congress.

The application will not exceed one page ( 3000 signs).

Time and place: DIJON (France), May 31 –June 7, 2015.

The main subject of the Congress :
Daily iconography in the Roman Provincial Art. Regional models

Others subjetcs :
Recent findings

Contact :

To submit, visit our Website  : "Submit"

The official Congress languages are: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.

Application deadline: contribution proposals, in digital and written form ("Submit"), must be submitted to the contact address by october 25, 2014.

The Colloquium proceedings will be published until 2017 as a dedicated volume in the Revue archéologique de l’Est.

Types of presentations:
a/Synthesis (20 minutes and 10 minutes discussion);

b/Presentation of new monument (Presentation of unpublished documentation (15 minutes and 5 minutes discussion);

The decision of the international scientific committee will be finalized by mid of December 2014.

In January 2015 the final programm will be posted on our website.

The communications (in their final form) shall be sent to the organizers as PDF-files until April 2, 2015.

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